What to eat with tilapia

What to Eat with Tilapia (25 Best Dishes)

Tilapia is a versatile dish with a distinct mild flavor. It is healthy and nutritious, and its versatility means you can pair it with a couple of delicious flavors and ingredients. In this article, we show you what to eat with tilapia. We’ll show some unique yet best choices to try.

Mushrooms, baked potatoes, vegetables, salads, rice, and beans are some dishes to pair with tilapia. To match this entree’s mild flavor, you need the perfect ingredients that complement its savoriness.

So, whether you decide on baking or grilling this entree, here are some perfect dishes you can use to elevate and make it an exquisite dish.

25 top foods to eat with tilapia

1. Cilantro lime rice 

Foods to eat with tilapia

Tilapia is rich in protein, so pairing it with carbs is excellent. The citrus juice and buttery nature of the tilapia combine to create a perfect balance of flavors.

Beans, guacamole, and veggies are all necessary ingredients to whip up this recipe. It is a quick side dish that compliments tilapia’s mild flavor.

2. Ugali

Best choice to eat with tilapia

Africans love tilapia, but then we mostly eat it with Ugali. It’s a staple in sub-Saharan Africa. It’s a staple starch choice and works with different veggies and meats, including fish. Some people refer to it as sima or posho, but it’s the same thing.

It’s an easy side dish that will take a few minutes to make. You only need maizemeal and water to make it.

It’s a common starch in Kenya and neighboring countries with wet fried fish or stew. When you visit Kenya, make sure you try this. It’s more than delicious.

Best combo

3. Brown Ugali

Note that other versions use sorghum and millet for an even healthier version. That comes in brown, while the maizemeal one is usually white.

Brown ugali is rich and delicious too, but you should see how it’s made first. Most people who are into healthy living use it more.

4. Mushroom risotto 

What to eat with tilapia

You need nothing out of the ordinary when preparing this recipe. The technique and ingredients give this dish various flavors, making it a satisfying dish.

It is the perfect food, and its creaminess comes with earthy flavors often brought about by the parmesan cheese and the sauteed mushrooms.

The key is not to rinse the risotto rice, which will interfere with its luscious consistency. Mushroom risotto is another perfect option if you’ve been wondering what to pair with your tilapia fish.

5. Spinach strawberry salad 

This salad’s colors and flavors are appealing; the best part is that it’s healthy. It is the perfect crowd-pleaser, especially if trying to impress a vast crowd.

The flexibility of this salad means you can add other ingredients of your desire to match your taste buds. Does spinach strawberry salad go well with tilapia? Yes.

Spinach strawberry salad is an excellent alternative if you are invited for dinner, lunch, or a potluck and you have no idea what to bring as a side. It is a 15-20 minute recipe with several options regarding the number of ingredients.

6. Baked potato wedges 

Potatoes are versatile, and the different ways you prep them will work well with tilapia. Here is one of my favorite choice, especially when Im eating the fish fillet. How you season the potatoes has a significant role in their flavor and presentation.

The secret to getting crispy potato wedges is to soak the potatoes in cold water or an ice bath to remove the excess starch. Whether you decide on deep-frying or oven-baking the potatoes, the results are usually appealing.

The good thing with roasted potatoes is that you can bake them at your choice’s temperature.

7. Jerusalem salad 

You can never go wrong with salads as a side dish. There are different choices to use, but this is one you can eat with tilapiaIt’sts refreshing, simple, and prepared with the simplest of ingredients key ingredients you need for this salad are chopped tomatoes, cucumbers, parsley, red onions, and lemon dressing.

The critical ingredients for this salad are chopped tomatoes, cucumbers, parsley, red onions, and lemon dressing. Feel free to add otheelementsts of your choice.

Veggies and tilapia? A match made in heaven, especially since the flavors complement one another.

8. Roasted parmesan green beans 

Are you looking for something that will stand out on every table? Roasted parmesan green beans are another best choice to use. The panko topping has a significant influence on the flavor of this recipe.

Savory and mild flavors pair ideally, which is what happens when you pair this recipe with tilapia.

The possibilities are endless with this recipe. You can readily substitute other ingredients to add a different flavor.

9. Jasmine rice

Tilapia is rich in protein, so if you want a meal that will leave your belly packed, pair it with jasmine rice with loads of carbs.

The scent and aroma of the jasmine rice are enticing, and you can pair it with several dishes. Jasmine rice is a long-grain rice that originates from Thailand and is relatively softer and fluffy, sons you need to use less when preparing this dish.

The water-to-rice ratio is the key to getting the best of this rice. This jasmine rice’s floral and buttery flavor perfectly matches the savory nature of tilapia.

10. Loaded scalloped potatoes 

There are endless possibilities when it comes down to potatoes, and that’s why it features as a side for several dishes. Scalloped potatoes pair well with seafood, and that includes tilapia.

Scalloping your potatoes gives them a distinct flavor you don’t often get when you prepare them using the standard procedure.

The secret to getting the best of scalloped potatoes is adding cheese, bacon bits, and caramelized onions. Do you know what the best part is? You can prepare this recipe in advance.

11. Mac and cheese 

The flavor of tilapia is mild, so you need to pair it with a side dish packed with flavor, where mac and cheese are perfect options.

With mac and cheese, you get a rich and creamy recipe packed with flavors.

This universal comfort food is loved by many, and there are loads of variations as you can use various ingredients to get the flavor profile you want.

12. Mediterranean grilled vegetables 

One thing about vegetables as side dishes is you can adjust them to your liking. The vegetables in this recipe are char-grilled, which packs the vegetables with an irresistible flavor.

When it comes to grilling, you shouldn’t hesitate because you can quickly grill almost all vegetables. The secret is to ensure you are using firm and fresh vegetables.

This recipe has zero complications, especially since you are dealing with various vegetables that you can easily manipulate to match your taste buds.

13. Brocolli rice casserole 

This recipe is ideal on weeknights when you don’t feel like doing large amounts of work in your kitchen. The oven does the job for you.

Broccoli rice casserole is a perfect crowd-pleaser, whether kids are around the table or not. Cheese, rice, and broccoli are a combo you don’t want to miss out on preparing.

It’s cheesy and decadent that almost everyone will enjoy it. Pair it with tilapia and have a match-winning dish for your dinner.

14. Parmesan-thyme mushrooms

When it comes to satisfaction and fulfillment, mushrooms go hand-in-hand with meat. If you are a vegetarian, then you have a perfect recipe in this one, especially if you are after meat satiety.

It is a 15-minute recipe packed with flavors, leaving your belly full for the day.

Whether you prepare this recipe in the oven or stove, the result will be a mushroom broth that you can enjoy as a whole or a delightful soup.

15. Whole roasted cauliflower with chimichurri sauce 

The golden brown crust and crispy texture you see after roasting the cauliflower are due to several ingredients.

This recipe is versatile, healthy, and straightforward. If you are looking for a side dish that is flavorful and easy to prepare to pair with meaty meals, this recipe is an excellent alternative.

Its versatility means you can easily play around with different spices and herbs to influence a specific flavor. Roasted cauliflower with chimichurri sauce and tilapia might be your following favorite recipe.

16. Creamed corn casserole 

Creamed corn casserole is rich, savory, and with bold flavors making it another perfect side dish for your tilapia.

This is a straightforward recipe as it combines creamed corn and cornbread. Creamed corn casserole differs from jiffy corn casserole and Mexican corn cake regarding the flavor profile.

The secret is to ensure the temperature of the casserole is constant and not extremely hot, as this will break the consistency of the custard and cook fast.

17. Roasted purple potatoes 

The critical characteristic of roasted purple potatoes is that they don’t lose their vibrant color even when roasted.  It is a versatile recipe because adding herbs and spices can readily influence the flavor.

You can opt not to peel the potatoes if you wash the dirt off. That said, retaining the peels is essential, especially since the peels contain the bulk of anthocyanin, which has health benefits.

Garlic cloves have a significant role not only in the flavor profile of this recipe but also in its appearance. Pair the potatoes with mild tilapia, and you have a complete meal for dinner.

18. Garlic-sauteed swiss chard

What to eat with tilapia

Swiss chard is a dominant side dish for many other meals, and tilapia is excellent with this vegetable.

It is a versatile and simple recipe that doesn’t need any secret ingredient. Red pepper, olive oil, salt, and garlic are all ingredients to prepare the perfect garlic-sautéed swiss chard.

Swiss chard has a mild flavor, meaning for flavor elevation; you need the presence of garlic and red pepper.

Well, you can eat the swiss chard raw, but the stems are bitter, so cooking them is your best option.

19. Fiesta quinoa 

Grains and salad in one bowl as a side dish? Fiesta quinoa salad is your dish. It is a healthy, fresh, and delicious salad that you can use either as a main dish or a side dish.

Warm or cold day? This salad will not disappoint; the best part is you can add the ingredients of your desire. If you are looking for a healthy dish with loads of nutrients, you should consider this recipe.

Fiesta quinoa is a versatile recipe, and you can manipulate its flavor by swapping several ingredients. Fiesta quinoa and tilapia? Heavenly.

20. Creamy mashed cauliflower

what to eat with tilapia

There is no denying how great mashed potatoes are, but what if you want a dish with low carbs? Creamy mashed cauliflower is your dish.

Compared to mashed potatoes, mashed cauliflower is light and highly nutritious but with the same fluffy texture. There is zero risk of gumminess when preparing this recipe because there is no starch.

You also don’t need to worry about the watery mash. The secret is to roast the florets instead of steaming them to avoid the wet mash.

For a subsequent healthy dish, serve the tilapia on the base of this mashed cauliflower.

21. Pasta puttanesca

Pasta puttanesca is another excellent accompaniment for tilapia. Tilapia has a mild flavor, meaning you need a bold dish to elevate its taste, and this pasta is an excellent alternative.

The puttanesca sauce is why many people love this classic Italian dish. It is a vibrant dish with the right amount of heat and umami flavors. Kalamata olives, capers, anchovies, and red pepper are some ingredients that make this tomato-based pasta dish unique.

22. Tabbouleh

The best way to make your tilapia meal hearty is by pairing it with salads. Tabbouleh salad is the best when you want a dish that will accompany your meat recipes.

Tabbouleh has a refreshing flavor from combining fresh parsley, onions, tomatoes, and lemon juice.

The vibrant green color of the herbs is enticing, and so is the flavor. The bulgur is a significant ingredient for this salad. However, the problem is finding them in the grocery stores, which means you might have to do without this ingredient.

23. Plantain

Another best way to enjoy the tilapia is when you serve it 2ith our favorite plantain. I love the fishy taste blending with the plantain sweetness. It’s great with the grilled fish version.

Although it’s a more common combo in the Caribbean and Africa, best believe it’s another one of the easiest methods to enjoy. Not only is it filling, but it’s also easy to make and yet delicious.

24. Banku

This is a standard combo in Ghana. It almost looks like ugali, but they make it different. It’s a corn or cassava dough, and most people on the coast of Ghana like to eat Banku with tilapia.

It features the fermented cornmeal that you add to the Cassava dough. They will cook it in hot water they watch out that it gets to form a firmer yet smooth paste.

If you are a fish lover, visiting Ghana should get you to try this.

25. Mashed potatoes

What to eat with Tilapia

Another best method you can use to enjoy tilapia is using mashed potatoes. It’s easy to make and common in almost any household across the globe.

If you are going to eat it with grilled fish, make sure you have creamy mashed potatoes. The good thing is that you can eat it alongside the tilapia or any other fish and enjoy it.


Which one is the best to eat with tilapia?

The versatility of tilapia gives it a superior characteristic: its ability to pair with several dishes. We like its fishy taste that is further mild. Tilapia can handle quite several seasonings, whether bold or fiery.

Depending on where you are, you will enjoy the different pairings. The above choices are great if you would like to explore them. Notice that you are spoiled for choice regarding what to eat with tilapia. Choose to travel far and wide trying the different cuisines.

Best combo

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