Can you break the sugar addiction?

How to Break Sugar Addiction Naturally

One of the hardest addictions to break free from is sugar addiction, and I understand why sweetness is hard to overcome. While our bodies need sugar for energy, it doesn’t need refined sugar. We grow up taking refined sugar, so it’s hard to break sugar addiction naturally.

If you’re anything like me who struggles with sugar addiction, the strategies we discuss here will make it easy for you. Unfortunately, the food industry has managed to command our eating habits and how we think about food.

This doesn’t, however, mean that you can’t change the habits because you can. Get this, though; it won’t be as easy.

What happens if we keep eating sugar?

We mostly say to keep refined sugar today because it causes many diseases and health complications.

Note that you don’t just take sugar; we also take foods that contain lots of sugar. Almost every food you buy in the supermarket has sugar in it. This is why many people who suffer from chronic illnesses are advised against using processed foods.

Note though there are good sugars that you find in fruits and vegetables. I would gladly say that your body needs such, but not refined ones, especially in excess. Nonetheless, a sugar-free diet has benefits and makes it way better to keep off sugar than eating it.

Am I addicted to sugar?

Most of us will say no; I’m not addicted to sugar, but we can never tell until we have challenged ourselves to stay without it. For example, try quitting sugar for two days, and I mean not eating even the foods that contain added sugar. Only then come back and answer my question.

Sugar addiction is not less than caffeine or nicotine addiction. You will experience withdrawal symptoms, and you may even go back to it still.

Now there are levels to this addition, and of course, you may need help from a professional at some point. We are interested in you who want to quit this addiction yourself before it’s too late.

What are the symptoms that show

If you suffer from this addiction, you will have the following symptoms occasionally.

You always crave sugar.

When you sit during the day as you do your work, how often do you wake up to rush for a snack? In this case, you may want to take a sugary doughnut, biscuit, or cookie cookie.

Some people crave the midnight snack or a sweet dessert, and of course, it still gets you addicted.

You crave carbs, and you almost have no control over it

I know because this is my worst one, with bread at the top of my list. Glad I’m slowly staying off the carbs today.

If you like sugar and crave many carbs, you should know this is the same thing.

Your meals are mostly full of carbs.

You may go for a buffet but eat more rice, wheat, and ugali than proteins and veggies. Check what you eat daily if it contains too many carbs; understand that you may have a sugar addiction.

Remember, when carbs break down, it becomes sugar in your body, so the body still craves sugar in a different form.

Withdrawal is harsh

Of course, I have tried to stop sugar a few times, and it was never easy. This is why I decided to do this research to get on top of my game when it comes to this. The effects of withdrawal range from headaches to weakness to a racing heart sometimes; no one will find it hard.

How to break sugar addiction naturally

Some people will want to go for medication, but not unless they are sick and the doctor suggests that. Otherwise, the following tips should work just fine for you.

1. Increase your protein and fiber intake

I find this one of the easiest steps to take, yet also complex. Check your diet and ensure you consume lots of fiber and protein. You want to reduce cravings, so when you take fiber and protein, you will feel much fuller for longer.

We tend to take in lots of sugar during breakfast, so instead of taking Chai with sugar, consider maybe Chai with some sweet potatoes and eggs. You could also bear your oats, sausages, and fruit.

The protein and fiber intake will help reduce sugar cravings since it keeps you full. I like adding nuts to my diet, thus making me feel full. Groundnuts are readily available; you can eat them roasted or even boiled.

2. Are you craving more food, or are you really hungry?

This is even easier to write because I have not understood the difference recently, especially recently. Sometimes you are just craving something and aren’t hungry.

These days I make it easy by having cucumbers grated together with carrots to make a simple salad. Whenever my mind tells me to go for the cake, I mean it, why not eat the salad? Often I don’t even want the salad, so I return to my business.

Anytime you are truly hungry, you will eat even that salad since you want to eat; you rarely need to choose. So, if you’re going to curb the craving, how about just having the apple or any other vegetable salad ready to eat?

3. Have a plan

You’re going into some new strategy, so, of course, this is when you create the proper plan to eat right. I realized that a program helps monitor my consumption, especially during this sugar-free journey.

With this, I tend to check the eating time and the type of foods I will eat. The best way to go about it is to tell yourself that you are adding just the good stuff to your diet. I mean, trick your mind a little to make it even easier.

You can take the time to plan the groceries list to ensure you only choose the healthy stuff to eat. Here you will figure out what you can eat every day of the week.

4. Journaling is great

Don’t think it’s stupid because it will help you much more. Unfortunately for that person who eats sweets so frequently, it’s so easy to eat them without even realizing you did. Food journaling will help you manage the thought of eating sweets.

It will guide you to choose healthier sugar options like fruits and veggies. I’m not one to focus a lot on the calories, but with this, we can journal and check every time we eat a bowl of fruits and veggies.

5. Water is your friend

Sometimes you come from your workout or just outside, and you crave a soda, well don’t take it. Drink water and a little more water, and the craving goes.

Think of it this way too. Lots of water will help to wash down the unnecessary sugar in the body. Other than that, water is life, so taking it will also keep you off other cravings.

6. Focus on eating a balanced diet

Since you are taking on this journey, you want to make sure you consume a balanced diet every day. We want to stabilize our blood sugar by eating enough fruit, veggies, high-fiber foods, and proteins.

The other thing to do is to make sure you don’t eat processed foods because they contain a lot of sugars in the form of carbs. Try to go natural.

7. Quit skipping meals

It’s enough that you just introduced a sugar-free diet, so you shouldn’t skip meals, too, as that will make it worse. We don’t want to have excessive meals, especially at night. Ensure you eat nourishing healthy foods during the day to avoid overeating.

8. Can you completely avoid the sugar

One of the easiest ways to quit sugar is to completely avoid anything related to sugar. My uncle says from his experience, as he has been on a sugar-free diet for years, ‘Soon the taste buds will be clean; thus, sugar won’t even taste good.’

Consider getting rid of all the sweets and sugar in the house so that it’s not there when you reach for the sugary foods.

I have tried this, and although I eat some other carbs, I try to keep refined sugar at all costs and instead focus on natural sugars. Some people keep off even the sugary fruits, but I like fruits generally.

9. Be easy

Our minds don’t like force, so you won’t find it easy to break the sugar addiction. Note that most of us were born and bred in sugar. Be proud of every step you take because understand that you are cracking a habit.

Just ensure you celebrate the tiny wins as they make a major difference.

10. Change the habit

If you’re used to taking desserts after food, you can try to take fruits instead. If you can make a healthier habit, it will prevent dependence on sugar.

Instead of taking your coffee, you can keep off and maybe go for a walk to nourish your craving.

11. Seek help

If you still struggle to fight this problem, you should seek help from a doctor or therapist. This is addiction, and maybe it includes the mind; thus, you need to seek therapy.

You can also include a dietitian to help you eliminate your habit.

12. Sleep too

I love my sleep, and I can say that I don’t struggle with sleeping. If you don’t sleep enough, you will crave unnecessary foods. Ensure you create a good sleep pattern to ensure you don’t need to eat.

13. Focus on the portion control

When you go on a sugar-free diet, monitor the portions you eat to ensure you only eat right. If anything, eat more fiber, proteins, and vitamins than carbs. Don’t get rid of all of the carbs because it’s still of the essence in the body. If you are full, you won’t go for sugar.

14. Go for whole, healthy foods

Whether eating breakfast, lunch, or dinner, focus only on whole and unprocessed food. This will make it easier to attain a healthy and rich diet. Whole foods tend to have low sugar and are good for your journey.

15. Don’t forget to fuel your body

Although we want to break sugar addiction naturally, keeping off the food that will nourish your body is not right. Your body is experiencing a sudden release of toxins, so you need to go and fuel your body. Trust to eat the right carbs if you need to.

Extra tip

No one says it’s easy.

Understand that the hardest thing will be to fight your sugar cravings. Imagine seeing that cookie and not taking it or that ice cream, a doughnut that you like to bite.

Well, when we tell our minds that it’s time, then the good thing is we stop. I invite you to join me in this challenge to break sugar addiction naturally for a better healthy life.

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