Aside from the starch/carbs and proteins, we also had veggies. Variegating our diet with Traditional African Vegetables is a major method to supply our bodies with much-needed nutrients.
Unknown to many, Traditional African Vegetables form toothsome meals, side dishes, or soups when cooked with the right recipe.
What is a traditional African vegetable?
African Traditional Vegetables are the favorite indigenous vegetables among African people. Ours are different, and of course, today, we have other options that were traditionally not present.
Africa is home to over 3000 cultures; therefore, you can expect that we have different vegetables we use. The vegetables vary from one location to another. But the common ones that cut across include bitter leaves.
Some people may think the leaves we take are weeds, but they are not. Of course, it will be strange to you but not to all.
African traditional vegetables are rich in micronutrients. This is why when taken right, you can never suffer from malnutrition.
Benefits of eating traditional vegetables.
Indigenous and traditional vegetables have been used for years as a key source of minerals and vitamins. Generally, the different veggies will make be of a unique benefit. In a nutshell, though, here are the best reasons to eat traditional veggies.
- Assists the body in forming connective body tissues and strengthening bones by increasing
calcium absorption. - Improves eyesight.
- Help with general digestion.
- It’s ideal for pregnant women as it has lots of iron.
- Improving blood levels by balancing every nutrient you need.
- It improves skin health by protecting it against infections.
- Cowpeas enhance the healing of cuts as well as improve healthy teeth and gum
- Cowpeas also reduce the risks of spina bifida, neural tube defects, and anencephaly in
expectant mothers.
1. Cowpeas leaves (Kunde)
Let’s say that this is one of the most common indigenous African veggies. It’s a common vegetable in the different countries of Africa.
Cowpeas are rich in micronutrients, including iron and vitamin A. It is easy to prepare with
simple ingredients, most easily available in our kitchens. You can make cowpeas in groundnuts or coconut sauce.
It’s also common to have people cooking it in a stew with other vegetables or just cooking it with meat to serve with ugali.
2. Vine spinach (Nderema)
Vine spinach is common in Western Kenya but is also found in Asia. It is leafy and highly nutritious. Traditionally this specious crop was not just used as a vegetable but was equally used for
medicinal purposes, specifically for treating diarrhea, dysentery, cancer, and anemia.
The juice fruit from the crop is used as a food color, dye, or cosmetics.
3. Blacknight shade (Managu)
The mention of this veggie makes my mouth watery; it’s my favorite choice. It’s another one of the best to find across Africa. Besides being consumed as vegetables, they also make great herbs.
Managu is a major delicacy for us, and the fact that you can mix it in with other vegetables makes it even better. It’s one of the versatile options to cook with milk or fry and serve alongside your fish/meats.
The nightshade recipe tastes best when mixed with amaranth and kale family vegetables.
4. Pumpkin Leaves (Risosa)
Pumpkin is generally common among the different cultures of the globe. But in Africa, we also enjoy its leaves. Of course, there are other ways to cook pumpkin leaves.
Contrary to most other types, this is one of the most common options, especially in East and Central Africa.
Pumpkin leaves are a rich source of calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, manganese, folate, and Vitamins A, B, and C.
Depending on how you cook it, you will enjoy the unique flavor of a mixture of green beans, asparagus, broccoli, and spinach.
5. Amaranth (Lidodo/Terere)
From the west to the east, North to the south, this is one of the most common vegetables in Africa. Its dark green leaves with its tangy flavor make it easy to mix in with other veggies or have as a side dish for your main meal.
It takes the red-purple shade leafy style vegetables in many parts of Africa. Amaranth leaves are preferred for their traces of fats with no cholesterol. Of all the green vege able,s Amaranth contains a high concentration of vitamin K.
6. Sunn hemp/ slender leaf (Miro)
These deep-yellow flowers with bright green leaves, originate in Pakistan and Assia. Miro is a legume hence very rich in protein even though it’s a vegetable.
In some African communities, Sunnhemp is mixed with a jute plant as part of the main or side dish.
One of the reasons why Miro is common in Africa is its adaptability to tough conditions. Traditionally, this vegetable was mainly used as a blood purifier and as a treatment for anemia.
7. Jute plant/ jute allow (Mrenda/Apoth)
One of the best dishes to try is Apoth, but we all cook it differently. Do you like to learn how to cook apoth?
The jute plant is a common vegetable in the tropics and subtropic regions. Traditionally, vegetable was largely consumed in Africa and Assia as an eco-friendly fiber.
The vegetable has a slightly bitter taste, excellent nutrient content, and numerous health
benefits. The jute plant is also used for medicinal purposes, fighting inflammation.
8. Cleome gynandra (Chisanga)
This green leafy, tender vegetable is common in most rural African countries. This is one of the most common vegetables in East Africa. Not only is it easy to cook, but it’s also rich in nutrients and easy to make.
Chisanga is a rich source of nutrients like calcium, iron, and Vitamins A and C. I like the nice bitterness that blends well with the other veggies.
I know the easiest way to cook it is to boil it and then add sour milk, allowing it to rest for two or days, and then ready to eat along with other veggies.
9. African eggplant
This small, round eggplant comes in various colors,s such as white, green, or purple. It is commonly used in stews and sauces. African eggplant is a good dietary fiber, potassium, and antioxidant source.
We call it garden egg too, and of course, you can blend it with cauliflower and okra, then spice it up to make a spicy Indian-style option. Nonetheless, you can also grill it to make it even better.
10. Bitter leaf Onugbu
Ideally used in West Africa, bitter leaf is known for its distinctive bitter taste. It is used in soups and stews and is believed to have medicinal properties.
Bitter leaf is a good source of vitamins A and C, calcium, and potassium. Mind you, this is one of the most common and delicious vegetables Nigerians love blending into their soups.
11. Cassava leaf
Cassava is available in most of African countries. Since its drought resistant, most Africans prepared it during drought season. Mixing it with sweet potato leaves is the best way to make it.
The best way to make this meal is to create a stew with it, making it nicely delicious. It features a rich and savory dish. Most people eat it with ugali, fufu, plantain, or rice. Some people add it to different veggies, thus making it even tastier.
This recipe is rich in vitamins A and C making it best for boosting the immunity system in the
13. Cocoyam/ taro
Cocoyam leaves are popular in West Africa. It’s rich in vitamins A and C and is one of the easiest vegetables to make.
14. Waterleaf
This is one of the most common vegetables in Nigeria and other West African countries. It comes in varying names and is common in our African homes for its nutritional value.
People enjoy it more because it’s rich in vitamins and calcium. They like to make it into soups, stews, and salads.
15. Ethiopian Kale (Gomen)
If you like Ethiopian cuisine, you probably have tried Gomen. It’s ideal for anyone who wants to eat the bitter leaves. Mostly to make it even better, the people will cook it with different spices and then have it as a side dish to other meaty dishes.
16. Okra
While okra is available in Africa, it’s also one of Asia’s best and most preferred veggies. It’s a widely acceptable dish in West Africa, with the most popular option being Okra Soup.
It’s commonly used as a soup thickener but is rich in fiber and vitamins.
17. Cabbage
Here then, you have another flavorful and tasty vegetable. In most cases, we even cook it with beef to make it even more delicious.
It’s also a medicinal plant, yet it’s also delicious when you mix it with other meat stews, and you can eat it alongside your favorite starch.
It wasn’t traditionally present, but when the colonialists came, they brought it to us, and we have since embraced it.
Most of the vegetables we suggested here are versatile, making them easy to use alongside other veggies. In the modern day, we have other veggies like kale, lettuce, Chinese cabbage, and the like. There are more and feel free to comment below if you think we left some.
Okra in not just an acceptable dish in West Africa. It is native to the African continent.
Well understood! Glad you read!