beet mango smoothie

Beet Smoothie for Weight loss

Am I the only one who loves beets in different forms? Beets have this earthy taste, but it’s a pack of benefits. This is why, for health-conscious people, it’s always in our pantry. Note, though, to lose weight; you don’t have to make it complex, which is why I show beet smoothie for weight loss.

Here you have one of the easiest recipes you can make at any time. I know some people find beet to be naturally bland, so here you will learn there are ways you can sweeten it. We then ensure no calorie addition because our goal is weight loss.

At the roving foodie,  we like to make quick and easier recipes with readily available ingredients. So best believe you’ll enjoy this drink while reaping the benefit of weight loss in the long run.

Depending on the blender you use, you can quickly make a smoothie. We are making it using some of the best yet readily available ingredients for anyone wanting to try it.

Here’s why I love to use beet for weight loss

A few years ago, I had been living a very sedentary lifestyle, and before I knew it, I had put on so much weight. It was uncomfortable to say the list, and diseases were looming. The worst is that I exhibited early signs of High blood pressure.

I know now that a balanced life is one thing you have to work at consciously. This includes knowing what you eat while maintaining an active lifestyle. I work at home, meaning I can stay indoors for days if I’m not careful.

During this time, I started to find every natural method to maintain health. I knew that I had to do something about the chronic condition.

In addition to exercise, I started to include loads of veggies, particularly beets, because research is great for blood pressure. I’m glad this is today in the past, but of course, I had to work on my weight, eat right, and reduce stress.

I love beets these days because it also makes your digestion much easier. But then again, your skin clears out, and you will attain the perfect skin. Beets are great for the heart, kidneys, liver, and skin.

In my weight loss journey, I must say one thing I’m sure about is the number of vegetables and fruits you eat will aid the process. This is why I’m always creating this drinks that work well for me. I’m here to share the easiest recipes you can find anywhere but to ensure we grow together.

This piece is the best option for those who are at no cost fans of beets because you’ll find it easier to enjoy the drink. My mom is one such culprit; until recently, she didn’t get how I managed to drink it anyway. I often say when it’s the only thing you can do, you should look at no cost.

This smoothie is the best option if you are on a sugar-free diet like I am. Note that it’s not easy for a sugar junkie to be sugar-free, so sourcing the sugar from fruits is the best.

If you don’t like beets, try this smoothie and reap all the great benefits you miss.

How to make beet smoothie



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  • Beets

This will be the major ingredients and understand that it has massive benefits. These beets contain antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, fiber, potassium, and magnesium.

  • Mangos

I love the natural sugar that you find in mangos. The best part is that it makes it possible not to add sugar to the drink.

I used just two ingredients in this recipe and pureed it with water. If you have other components to make it even better and specific to you, then add them. It’s more of a plant-based smoothie you can make even if you are tired.

The only thing I added is water, not milk or other ingredients. I wanted to make it the simplest for you while still retaining the benefits. The good thing about these mangoes is that they are very sweet and tropical.


Wash and peel the mangoes and beets.

Set them in the blender to puree and form the smoothie. But remember to add a cup of water.

Now blend and then serve for breakfast or as a snack.


Is this beet smoothie for weight loss?

It’s a healthy drink you can use for different reasons, and weight loss is one of the major reasons you want to use this beet drink. Notice that you can use it to tame your sugar cravings. The fiber-rich drink makes you feel full, so you won’t need to eat more.

Besides, if you decide to ensure you don’t eat sugar, this smoothie will satisfy your cravings. Also, you’ll tone down easily and drink this beet mango smoothie whenever you crave it.

Can I add other ingredients?

Of course, you can as long as you make sure you don’t compromise on the health values of the drink. I often advise you to add other ingredients like berries, celery or spinach, ginger, carrots, or bananas if you would like.

But the drink will be heavy enough if you use the right blender and don’t need milk. Generally, you can choose and use the different rich smoothie additives  smoothie additives and use them in this drink.

Is beet great for weight loss?

Anyone conscious of health knows that beet is great for their health. Adding it to your diet will help in weight loss. Beets contain fiber, which is why they will help you feel full, thus making you not eat some more.

Can I make it ahead of time?

Of course, you can make it ahead of time and set it in the fridge to cool down. This will make it perfect for enjoying while cold during the hot weather.

Is it ever too much when it comes to beets?

I would say that scientists say it’s not safe to eat too many beets as they suggest it will cause kidney problems. When taking it, remember to keep it at a moderate level.

Beet smoothie for weight loss

So are you going to try the beet mango smoothie today? Make it now, and let’s keep getting healthier. Also, share your experience with this smoothie.




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