Best Ugandan dishes

16 Best Ugandan Dishes

Aside from tourist attractions and the beautiful country, I love the Ugandan dishes. One fact about Uganda is that agriculture is a principal activity thanks to its great soil. Do you lack good food? Visit Uganda because you will enjoy it all fresh and authentic.

The food specialties in Ugandan dishes have different origins when it comes down to flavor. Asian, Arabic, and English flavors are dominant but with slight variations. The cultural differences from one region to another mean the food’s flavor profile isn’t necessarily the same.

So, what food specialty should you order when visiting Uganda? Here are some of the best Ugandan dishes you shouldn’t miss trying.

Top Ugandan dishes

When in Africa, Ugandan dishes are part of the best African meals. If you don’t try them, you should try.

1. Matoke 

Best Ugandan Dishes

Without any doubt, matoke is a staple delicacy in many households. This traditional dish consists of several other ingredients, such as chicken, meat, and vegetables, as accompaniments to the matoke. The plantain bananas are mashed, cooked with peelings, or boiled, depending on your taste buds.

The ingredients you use when preparing this dish will define the result of its flavor. Traditionally, matoke is served on fresh banana leaves and eaten with various sauces. Matoke is one of the most popular dishes in Africa, you know.

When prepared with peelings on (Empogola), the best accompaniments are grilled meat, Muchomo, or pork. The sauce is prepared separately from the matoke to complement it perfectly.

2. Ugali/posho 

Ugali is a common delicacy across the East African region but with a slight difference in the preparation process. It is one of the cheapest dishes across the country and is often served with vegetables, fish, and meat.

Maize flour is the only ingredient you need to make ugali/posho. The flour is mixed and blended with hot water until it attains a semi-hard consistency.

It is one of the cheapest meals across the country and the entire East African region, but with variations in how its served and prepared.

3. Beef Luwombo 

This is another traditional delicacy loved by locals. Regarding Ugandan dishes, Beef Luwombo was my favorite, yet it’s an important royalty dish. It’s also a special dish for special occasions.

Chicken, goat, or beef are the most common ingredients to prepare this meal. There’s no hiding the fact that you will need to be patient when preparing this dish, especially if you want to begin from scratch.

The detailed process required when preparing this dish requires you to design the sauce using various ingredients for a specific flavor. Traditional ceremonies are where you want to be if you want to enjoy the full flavor of beef Luwombo.

4. The famous Rolex

Best Ugandan dishes

Rolex might have several meanings, one being a staple food in Ugandan households. This delicacy is popular nationwide, making it a go-to snack for netizens, especially since everyone has their favorite spots.

The Rolex combines Chapati (flat bread) with fried eggs. Vegetables such as onions, tomatoes, and cabbage are also added to impact the final flavor of this dish. Whether you love fresh or cooked vegetables, you can readily order them upon request.

The best part about the famous Rolex dish is its affordable price. In addition, you can customize your Rolex with the ingredients of your choice, especially when you have earned loyalty to the Rolex guy.

5. Muchomo (roasted meat)

Best Ugandan recipes

If you are a meat lover, you would love and enjoy Muchomo. Roasted meat is enjoyed across the East African region with other names, but the most popular is “Nyama Choma” in Swahili.

Whether at high-end restaurants or along the streets, it’s hard to miss Muchomo on the roads. It has become a staple dish amongst many Ugandans, especially since you don’t need high-quality ingredients to prepare it.

Muchomo comes in a wide range of meat, including chicken, beef, goat, and pork. Ugali, fresh salads (kachumbari), unpeeled bananas, and fries are some dishes you can pair with Muchomo.

6. Kikalayi (Fried pork)

Best Ugandan dishes

There are several ways to prepare pork, varying from region to region. Kikalayi is the traditional way of preparing pork meat in Uganda, and you will love the flavors that come with its preparation procedures.

Kikalayi is a locally made frying pan in which pork meat is prepared. It is a versatile dish you can customize to your liking by using the ingredients of your choice.

Traditionally, this dish is served in a large round tray. It is one of the best ways to enjoy this loveable dish with family and friends. If you love pork meat, it’s worth indulging in this one.

7. Katogo 

Best Ugandan dishes

If you love heavy breakfast, then you need to try out the Katogo traditional dish. Katogo means “mixture” when directly translated because it involves the mixture of several ingredients.

Originally this dish consisted of a combo of diced cassava and beans but over time, ingredients such as matoke, groundnuts, offal,  and beef. Traditionally, this meal was for the poor, and the wealthy elite introduced the other components, particularly matoke, as a substitute for the diced cassava.

This breakfast dish is popular nationwide with several variants mainly because of the different ingredients added during its preparation. If you want to fill your belly for the better part of the day and work under a budget, then Katogo will serve you best.

8. TV chicken 

Well, this is one of the most popular dishes in Uganda, and the name originates from the fact that it’s prepared in a rotisserie oven similar to the standard television. The best part is that you get to watch how the chicken is ready.

It is a go-to snack option, especially when you want to fill your belly quickly. The pocket-friendly nature of this street food makes it a desirable snack, particularly for university students.

So, what does TV chicken go with? There are a variety of dishes that you can pair up with delicious chicken. Fries, smoked bananas, and fresh vegetable salad are some of the best ways to combo for the TV chicken.

9. Ensenene

Best Ugandan Dishes

How about trying something premier and exclusive when in Uganda? Well, it might sound weird to eat insects, but there’s no harm in sampling something new.

Ensenene are seasonal insects mostly available during November and April. The insects are sold alongside the roads and bars making them a perfect option for snack time and fundamentally healthy.

The legs and wings are removed when preparing the grasshoppers. In addition, the insects are cooked in their natural oils, making them an easy dish to prepare with minimal ingredients requirements.

Markets and vendors often sell the grasshoppers in airtight plastic containers, which means you get to fry it by yourself if you prefer adding other ingredients of your desire. In bars and pubs, this treat is served alongside the drink of your choice.

10. Royal chicken Luwombo 

Best Ugandan dishes

Royal chicken Luwombo is traditionally a royal dish predominant in the 19th century during the precolonial and colonial eras. The (Mwanga) king’s chef introduced this delectable to the king and the kingdom.

The preparation method involves cooking the chicken in banana leaves with groundnut sauce, which significantly impacts the flavor of this dish. It takes quite a long time to prepare this dish, but it’s worth the time.

Conventionally, this dish is served during weddings; without it, the marriage is almost not considered successful.

So, what goes well with royal chicken Luwombo? You can pair various dishes with the royal word, served with Matooke, rice, Chapati, and sweet potatoes.

11. Steamed/ roasted plantain (Gonja)

Best Ugandan dishes

If you have been to Uganda, you understand how the natives love bananas, and it’s common to see large plantations of this crop, especially in tropical areas. They come in different colors, which include red, yellow, and green, but usually have a constant vibrant yellow color when prepared.

Gonja recipes are vast with different results because of the ingredients and methods applied during their preparation. For instance, if you would love to indulge in steamed plantain, then you need bananas that are not fully ripe.

You can also opt to roast the bananas, but it requires patience, for it takes a while to attain the crispy texture. Gonja is one dish you don’t want to miss out on when visiting Uganda.

12. Kikomando

Best Ugandan dishes

This is a common dish across East Africa; the difference is only the name. Kikomando is also popular in Uganda, involving Chapati and fried beans.

Other varieties of this dish involve adding ingredients such as avocado, meat stew, and chicken. It is one of the cheapest meals in this country and worth a try if you love sweet-savory dishes.

Whether on the roadside or in high-end restaurants, missing out on this meal is hard.

13. Fish G-nuts Luwombo 


The fish preparation procedure in this recipe is the key difference compared to other Luwombo recipes. The first step involves smoking the fish, which is often done to eliminate the smell of the fish.

The next process after smoking is to remove the fish bones and then clean them perfectly before cooking. The star of the show is the groundnut sauce which is significant in flavor. Steaming the fish Luwombo covered in banana leaves is a traditional procedure you do not want to omit.

14. Kalo (Millet bread)

Best Ugandan Dishes

Kalo is another staple in the better parts of Uganda and across the East African region, particularly in Kenya and Tanzania, with consistent differences, meaning it can be soft or hard.

This millet bread comes together by combining cassava and millet flour. The millet is responsible for the dark brown nature of the bread, while the cassava gives it a smooth-hard texture. It goes well with stews and sauces.

The netizens love to enjoy this meal for lunch and dinner because it’s relatively heavy, so eating it for breakfast isn’t ideal. It sometimes is referred to as akaro and is usually served in a basket with lightly sprinkled flour to prevent it from sticking.

15. Binyebwa (Groundnut sauce)

Best Ugandan dishes

You are mistaken if you think this sauce relates to the famous peanut butter sauce. This groundnut sauce comes together by grounding the nuts until they form a smooth consistency, then adding water and cooking them to create a creamy sauce.

Are you wondering what to serve with groundnut sauce? The list is endless because there are several possibilities of what you can pair with that amazing sauce. The most common are steamed matoke, Luwombo, sweet potatoes, and karo.

The main difference between groundnut sauce and peanut butter is that G-sauce uses raw groundnuts, while the latter comes together by roasting the groundnuts before grinding. You don’t have to worry about making the sauce from scratch as you can readily get them from market stalls and groceries.

16. Chaloko 

Another option in the wide variety of staple Uganadan dishes is Chaloko. The natives love this traditional dish, and are usually prepared using either fresh or dry pinto beans, and it’s one you don’t want to miss out on trying when visiting this country.

This dish has several varieties primarily because of the ingredients added during its preparation. Vegetables such as onions, bell pepper, carrots, and tomatoes are some ingredients you can add to this recipe. Fish and meat are also extra ingredients for this meal, especially if you want to add crunchiness and texture.

Traditionally, Chaloko is paired with “Sadza.” However, you can pair it with several dishes to make it a complete meal.

So, what’s the best dish in Uganda?

The answer to this question depends on your taste buds and what you love most. This list doesn’t include all the Ugandan dishes but contains some of this region’s favorites and popular dishes.

The multiple tribes in Uganda are responsible for the differences in food recipes, meaning the list is wide with various dishes. This list covers some of the most famous words you can remember in this country.

So, did you confirm that there are many unique Ugandan dishes? But which is your favorite dish? The answer to this question depends on what your taste buds find delectable. The good news is you can never miss out on something that you will love.

Best combo

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